Top 5 Amazing Microwave Tips and Tricks.

Top 5 Amazing Microwave Tips and Tricks.

With its innovative effect on how we prepare and reheat food, the microwave has grown into an essential kitchen appliance. Most of us, though, only use a small portion of its full potential. The tips and tricks we’ll look at in this article will help you use your microwave to its full potential and create meals that are quicker, more effective, and tastier than before.

1)Easy Cleaning Microwave Tip

cleaning the microwave

Our microwave oven needs to be cleaned at least once a week. Regular cleaning will help us avoid odors and maintain a clean, hygienic appearance.

In a microwave-safe bowl, add two or three tablespoons of vinegar along with one cup of water. Turn on high heat for 5 minutes, then turn it off.

Use a cotton towel to wipe the microwave’s side door, bottom, and top, as well as the glass turntable.

extremely simple to clean a microwave. If we clean the microwave once a week, it will work well and last for another 10 years.

Note: If you don’t have vinegar then you can use lemon also. squeeze lemon in water and heat it. Results will be same only.

2) Easy Making Dried Curry Leaves

curry leaves for tips

Take a glass plate that can be used in a microwave. Put all the curry leaves in the microwave and microwave for two minutes. Dried curry leaves are prepared. Crush it and put it on another plate. The perfect curry powder is prepared.

Note: You may add these dried leaves to dosas, sambar, and rasam, among other dishes. Curry dosa is ready.

3)Tomato Puree

Tomato puree for tips

In the microwave, making tomato puree is quite simple. We should avoid time-consuming cooking in today’s busy life. Every morning we struggle to prepare a lunch, make breakfast, and get the kids ready for school. If we can do something that would make cooking easier for us, we should definitely take up this idea.

Add a tomato or two to a bowl. Do not pour any water on it. Just give it two minutes in the microwave. Switch off the microwave oven after a beep. Tomato puree ready.

You can use this tomato puree for making north Indian dishes, use can use it for making tomato chutney and also tomato curry for chapati or dosa.

4) Roasted Peanuts

Roasted peanuts for tips

Another time-consuming tip is this one. This roasted peanut is one of the high-protein snacks for kids if we would like to eat something hot that should be both healthy and tasty. You can add this to your list of after-school snacks.

One cup of raw peanuts should be added to a microwave-safe bowl, which should be heated for three minutes. ready to eat roasted peanuts. You can utilize this tip if your kids ask unexpectedly for roasted peanuts.

5)No oil fried papad

Freid Papad for tips

When eating sambar rice, briyani, or rasam rice, we usually like to eat papad, but if we are completely restricted from using deep-fried foods because we are on a diet, this tip will be very helpful for you, especially if you are on a diet.

Take one papad and put it right into the microwave. For one minute, heat it. Ensure that the microwave’s temperature is less than 800. Temperatures between 600 and 650 degrees Celsius are acceptable. Switch off the microwave after one minute, and take the food outside right away. No oil fry papad is ready.

Ok Friends Hope these tips will be very useful for you. These microwave hacks and techniques are like a key to unlocking culinary convenience. These small modifications could significantly impact your culinary experiments. These small adjustments can make a big difference in your kitchen.

Always keep it in mind that you use microwave safe bowl.

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